Sunday, December 14, 2008

On the Waterfront: Traitor or Crusader?

In the movie, On The Waterfront, the characters believed that by ratting out the mob on a crime they committed, you would be considered a "stool pigeon."  The mobsters believed that if you ratted them out, you were no good and they'd get rid of you.  They believed that rats had something to gain from tattling on them.  Terry believed that what he was doing was right; he knew that what the mob was doing was wrong and he wanted to stand up to them and help everyone out.  He thought he was a moral crusader, or a whistleblower, the mob thought he was a rat.
I think that if you rat someone out because you can gain something out of it for yourself, you're a tattle tale.  Selfish acts are for traitors.  If you stand up and point something out that someone's doing wrong because you know it will benefit society, then you are a moral crusader.  I think there should be more moral crusaders in the world.

1 comment:

Hannah D said...

I agree with you in thinking that pointing out someone's actions for selfish reasons makes you a traitor. However, the mob believes a traitor is anyone who spills any information. Many people are afraid of being labeled as a "traitor." After all, look how Joey and Doogan ended up! I think one of the big reasons Terry succeded in standing up to the mob and being considered a moral crusader was because he took action. Belief without action doesn't change anything. Terry physically fought Johny Friendly and, even though he lost the fight, he was victorious in taking a stance which resulted in the "de-throning" of the mob.