Sunday, December 14, 2008

Obama's Ethics

Barack Obama is a man of great ethics.  He knows the difference between wrong and right and no matter the pressure, he always selects the good decision.  He was raised with strong, moral family values, which he applies to everyday life.  He also intends to apply them to the country as president.  If family members support each other, help each other, and are willing to do anything for one another, then his ethical beliefs are incredibly strong and good-natured.  Obama spent a long time in the rough city areas to help the impoverished, (202).  He believed that he had to help his "family" in the poor areas because, after all, they were his brothers and sisters, his sons and daughters.  Obama wouldn't do anything wrong to keep his family well though; he would do anything within reasonable measures to keep them safe and comfortable.  He is a man of strong morals.

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